Unless you’re an esthetician or dermatologist, it’s often hard to know where to start with your skincare routine. Many people look for solutions on the shelves of box stores. Each product claims to be the solution to all of your problems. Sadly, those products are often just rehashes of the same chemical-laden ingredients.
Other people assume that surgical remedies to repair the signs of aging are the only option. Before you spend time and money on a plastic surgeon, consider what’s available to you from French Radiance Esthetics. Thankfully, there are many ways to boost your skin’s natural beauty – and none of them involve going under a knife. One such option that has been extremely successful is the PRX-T33 peel.
The Basics of Skin
Before launching into the perks of the PRX-T33 peel (of which there are many), let’s lay some skincare knowledge groundwork. The main two layers of skin that can be targeted by products and treatments are the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, designed to protect the skin’s inner layers and the body from irritants and toxins. Below the protective layer of the epidermis lies the dermis, which is where the bulk of the action happens. The dermis holds all of the hair follicles and contains the fat and molecules that determine skin texture. Controlling skin elasticity and collagen production, the dermis determines the skin’s overall quality and appearance. A healthy dermis is the aim of skincare products, but often particles of products (such as hyaluronic acid) are too large to get from the epidermis to the dermis. This conundrum renders them ineffective in the long term.
What Is a Medical Grade Chemical Peel?
Chemical peels are essentially facials that involve caustic or chemical components that eliminate wrinkles and discoloration and promote exfoliation. Unlike many skincare products, chemical peels can treat both the epidermis and the dermis. Depending on the type of chemical peel, these procedures can target acne, hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, and scarring.
After standard chemical peels, there is a process of exfoliation in which the skin rids itself of the dead skin cells and is reduced to a new, plump, fresh skin layer. While this exfoliation process occurs, it’s normal to experience skin sensitivity, flaking, and dryness. Because the epidermis is essentially brand new, experiencing skin photosensitivity (a negative reaction to light, especially the sun) is also expected.
The PRX-T33 Is a Different Breed of Chemical Peel
The PRX-T33 functions entirely differently than most chemical peels; in fact, there won’t be any peeling at all. The PRX-T33 leaves the epidermis alone completely, so your skin’s protective layer remains intact and ready to keep you safe. This peel only targets the dermis (you know, the powerhouse of skin vitality), meaning that there won’t be any flakiness or dryness after the fact.
What Is PRX-T33?
Most, if not all, chemical peels include trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as a main ingredient. TCA, a derivative of vinegar, aids in exfoliation and the reduction of fine lines. PRX-T33 is no exception. However, unlike most chemical peels, PRX-T33 contains a percentage of both kojic acid and hydrogen peroxide. These additives help control the TCA, which allows for the reduction of fine lines without the peeling properties of TCA.
Both hydrogen peroxide and kojic acid reduce inflammation in the skin’s epidermis, as well as aid in the restoration of cell production and the hindrance of melanin, the pigment that can cause discoloration and sunspots. Though this isn’t always the case in skincare, PRX-T33 has over 10 years of clinical trials and has been tested on over 100,000 people, making it a tried and true option for your skincare arsenal.
Benefits of PRX-T33
At the risk of sounding cliche, this peel does it all. Seemingly unrelated skincare woes can be remedied with this peel, all while avoiding serious or uncomfortable side effects. Aside from the aforementioned wrinkle reduction, the PRX-T33 can:
- Improve skin hydration
- Reduce the appearance of scars (acne and other)
- Minimize the appearance of pores
- Lift sagging skin
- Brighten dull skin
Plus, the results are instantaneous. Though a four-session plan is recommended, you will begin to see significant results immediately after the first peel. This certainly can’t be said for standard chemical peels, or even surgeries, where weeks are required for side effects to subside and the benefits to be apparent.

Not Just for the Face
While chemical peels are commonly used on the skin of the face, PRX-T33 has been developed for use on any problematic area. It works wonders on the appearance of stretch marks, so a popular option is to receive a peel on the stomach or thighs. From mothers who are looking to repair the effects of pregnancy on the skin to those who have been left with stretch marks after weight loss, this is an amazing solution.
Many use PRX-T33 for lifting the skin of the chest and neck, where aging often leaves the skin bunching and sagging. There are even reports of significant improvement to the appearance of the hands, reducing sun spots and smoothing wrinkles that often make the hands appear aged.
PRX-T33 Fits into Your Lifestyle
Whether your lifestyle involves juggling multiple calendars and running from place to place, lots of leisure, or somewhere in between, the PRX-T33 chemical peel fits right in. Each session only requires about 30 minutes, the perfect break to relax and catch your breath between commitments. Because there is no flakiness or exorbitant aftercare, you are free to leave your appointment and continue with your day with tighter, brighter, plumper skin. The PRX-T33 peel does not cause photosensitivity, so unlike traditional peels, there is no problem in receiving PRX-T33 during the warm or sunny months. Though it achieves the results of needle-centric skincare, PRX-T33 is noninvasive, and there is no prolonged recovery time. It’s perfectly acceptable to schedule a peel on a special occasion, as the results are immediate, and you will leave looking your best.
Though the wide world of skincare contains numerous products with disappointing results, PRX-T33 is not one of them. With significant scientific backing and worldwide acclaim, this chemical peel is truly a miracle. No longer must quality skincare results be achieved under a knife or needle. No longer must facial peels leave us itchy and dry. No longer must we hide from social situations and outdoor events because of photosensitivity. The PRX-T33 system has provided an excellent solution to most all of our skincare woes without interfering with the pace of our lives or the microbiome of our skin. It can’t get much better than that.
Book Your Appointment with French Radiance Esthetics Today
There are a lot of misconceptions about skincare, especially for those battling the Arizona sun. That surgery is the only option to combat the effects of age is one of them. When you book an appointment with French Radiance Esthetics, you discover a wealth of options to revise skin damage and the effects of aging. Our medical spa was begun by Axelle, a registered nurse who leverages French culture to explore American beauty. Her canvas is the face, and she is invested in the art of skincare. Age with grace, the French way.